Youthful experience the key for Max Hicks at Nambucca Squash Club

Mike Manning (left) and Max Hicks (right) in the tie of the round.


THE youthful experience of Max Hicks was enough to overcome his older opponent in the match of the round at Nambucca Squash Club last week.

Max has been playing competitive squash at Nambucca Squash Club for over three years and was introduced to the game by his father Rod Hicks who plays in line one.

Club President Bruce Graham said the earlier you start playing the better.

“The earlier you start playing the better, we all know how hard it is to keep pace with the enthusiasm of a dedicated junior coming up through the ranks.

“Max Hicks is a young player on the rise, he is a different player to the one who turned up three years ago, he is smooth around the court and absolutely knows how to put away a winning shot.

“He is very aware of the tactics needed to out-manoeuvre his opponent, although squash requires physicality, having the skill to put the ball in the corners and read your opponent is really important.

“Michael Manning has improved a lot and is on the way upwards, he’s been playing socially for about a year and prior to this has never placed a foot on a squash court.

“His improvement has been enormous and he now plays a more measured game of squash, line three is a very tight line with small margins between all of the players,” said Bruce.



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