Young and old dare to yarn at Stuarts Point Men’s Shed Nambucca Valley Nambucca Valley News by News Of The Area - Modern Media - August 20, 2022 Oscar Waters and George Driussi at work on a bicycle. Photo: Jen Hetherington. STUARTS Point Men’s Shed recently welcomed a new member, Oscar Waters, a Year 9 student and resident of Fishermans Reach, who joined the cohort earlier this year. “I was at the waste station dumping rubbish one Saturday morning and I wandered over to the shed and got talking with the workshop manager, Glenn Button,” said Oscar. Advertise with News of The Area today. It’s worth it for your business. Message us. Phone us – (02) 4981 8882. Email us – “I had often thought that young people, like myself, could use the skills of older folk,” he said. Older fellow Glenn Button said of Oscar’s enthusiasm, “We could see that Oscar wanted to take the initiative to learn and were delighted to welcome him to the fold.” In fact, he reckoned more young folk should do the same: “We are always looking for new members, no age restrictions apply,” he said. As the shed opening hours are currently restricted to the set operating times of the adjacent waste station, participants and visitors are limited to only Wednesday and Saturday mornings if they want in. Tradespeople, hobbyists and regular householders create a stream of visitors looking for timber, tools and all manner of cast-offs that the members reclaim from the tip. Many items undergo repair and refurbishment at the shed. “So many cast-offs we retrieve from the tip only need minor repairs, and with our various skills, everything from carpentry to welding and furniture restoration, we often take on individual projects. “We often get requests from the public for bits and pieces and advice we may be able to provide for their own projects”, Glenn said. With an extensive array of machinery, tools and workstations, all entirely powered by solar, there is always an interesting collection of items undergoing repair, and on offer for modest purchase prices. Oscar said, “This is a great initial training place as I am aiming to enter an apprenticeship after finishing school. “I’m working on repairing a lawn mower at the moment, but I’m looking at becoming a heavy vehicle diesel mechanic and eventually open my own business. “I’d like to see the future of the Men’s Shed Organisation as a place where young people can learn skills for life, especially for educationally-challenged kids”, said Oscar. Stuarts Point Men’s Shed always welcomes new members, phone Glenn Button on 0488 799 437 for more information. By Jen HETHERINGTON Oscar Waters, George Driussi and Glenn Button discuss what’s next. Photo: Jen Hetherington. All manner of objects are available for sale from the Men’s Shed, most recycled. Photo: Jen Hetherington. Seated at the morning tea table, (from left) are Glenn Button, Ken Ord, Kevin Googh, Oscar Waters and George Bambling. Photo: Jen Hetherington
Wow well done Oscar so proud of you.Enjoy every minute.You are a insperation for the young people Ocsar .Luv Wish there was many more people like you . Reply