Yarrahappini Uniting Church marks 70th birthday

Parishioners cut the birthday cake to mark 70 years’ worship at Yarrahappini Uniting Church. Photo: Jen Hetherington.

THE chorus of ‘Amazing Grace’ echoed across the grounds of the Yarrahappini Uniting Church this month, as people gathered to mark the institution’s shift into its eighth decade of worship.

Locals and visitors alike gathered on Sunday 7 August to celebrate the history and the rededication of the church.

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Mrs Dianne Nolan, lay preacher (in training) conducted the service which began with welcomes, candle lighting and a resounding rendition of ‘Amazing Grace’.

“Do with our hands, that which we do with our heart,” Mrs Nolan told the congregation.

As part of a group of congregations known collectively as the Lower Macleay River Multi Centre that includes Yarrahapinni, South West Rocks and Gladstone congregations, the Uniting Church welcomes all, she said.

“The local landmark has been a place of worship for 70 years, though the building was originally established near Gladstone then moved here to avoid flooding,” said Janice Walters who delivered a concise historical oration during the special service, including stories of births, deaths and marriages, complimented by a printed collection of photographs displayed in the church foyer.

With shelter and seating set up in expectation of the many attendees, locals provided baked delicacies and a commemorative cake was shared by all.

Several generations of families were represented and Dianne Urquhart, attending with her sister Megan Cochrane and Mum, Beverly MacDonald (nee Williams), said, “What a great turnup and a great mix of age groups.

“We’re glad the rain showers held off.”

Krissie Goodchild (nee Warwick) said, “Everyone drives past the church on the way to and from work or on the school bus.

“You can’t miss it, it’s a lasting legacy of the past, and good for the future.”


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