Wyz Wimmin wow with the ‘The Sisterhood’

The Wyz Wimmin taking a break from rehearsals. Photo. Adrian Oxbrow.

A CROWD of almost 200 packed into the Nambucca Heads RSL Club auditorium to witness the Wyz Wimmin & Friends Theatre Company’s performance of “The Sisterhood” on Saturday, 15 March.

Originally planned to hit the stage on 8 March for International Women’s Day (IWD), but postponed due to Ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred concerns, the stage show raised more than $5000 for people impacted by domestic and family violence.

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Many dressed in purple, the symbolic colour of IWD, to mark the occasion.

Personal care items and gifts for children were also donated by attendees.

The Wyz Wimmin actors presented seven monologue performances, bringing out a full array of emotions and highlighting pertinent issues with depth and sensitivity.

Attendee Ljubov Simpson described the show as “fabulous”.

“It is a true blessing to experience such a strong purple wave of support for domestic and family violence survivors from our community,” she said.

Coordinator of the event Carrolline Rhodes, an experienced producer and playwright, was bursting with pride after the event.

“It’s hard to know what I am more proud of, the Wyz Wimmin & Friends actors or the community response to ‘The Sisterhood,” she said.

The show will now hit the road, said stage manager and Wyz Wimmin playwright Willa Hogarth.

“We are taking the program on the road under the title ‘This is Me’ and will be appearing in halls across the valley, taking to the stage at Warrell Creek Hall on Saturday 22 March, Argents Hill Hall on 23 March, Talarm Hall on 29 March and Bellingen Memorial Hall Small Studio Space on 30 March, with all shows scheduled for 2pm,” she said.

The Wyz Wimmin team thanked the Nambucca Heads RSL Club for the organisational expertise that made the event such a success.


Carrolline Rhodes, producer and playwright. Photo: Adrian Oxbrow.

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