Wyz Wimmin hit region’s historic halls on new tour

Laurel plays Jazzy in ‘Nude Swimming’. Photo: Adrian Oxbrow.

SINCE inception, the Wyz Wimmin & Friends Theatre Company has been committed to taking theatre to the people and has performed in several of the area’s historic halls.

“Back when these halls were built, travelling picture shows travelled the back blocks, and I’d like to think they screened ‘The Sentimental Bloke’ or its successor, ‘Ginger Mick’,” said the company’s producer, Carrolline Rhodes.

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To continue the tradition, the Wyz Wimmin are now staging ‘This is Me’, a collection of unique monologues.

“Topics include small town gossip, the sweet taste of revenge and choosing the right setting to deliver what will be unwelcome news,” Carrolline said.

“It is our most powerful collection to date.”

The tour begins at Warrell Creek Hall on 22 March, moving to Argents Hill Hall the next day, then Talarm Hall on 29 March.

The run of shows closes in Bellingen Memorial Hall’s intimate ‘studio’ space on 30 March.

All performances start at 2.00pm.

As all four venues have limited seating, tickets should be secured early.

“Head to the Wyz Wimmin’s user-friendly website to book tickets,” Carrolline said.

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