World Laughter Day – connecting the world through laughter for a better world and better health.

Laughter and Wellness Facilitator Bianca Spears and effervescent performer Stacy Hacket get down and giggle for the good of it.

‘LAUGHTER is the best medicine’ is a proverb repeated throughout history, the premise of which has been proven by the medical profession and, since 1998, celebrated on the first Sunday of May as World Laughter Day.

“There’s nothing quite like live comedy,” Coffs Comedy founder Ben Stevenson told NOTA.

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“There is something wonderful about being in that moment when a comedian is eliciting laughter from an audience as though they were an orchestra conductor, the entire crowd bonding over someone else’s silly thoughts.

“The only greater feeling is when you get to be the one on stage.

“As comedians, we have good and bad nights.

“Sometimes we ‘bomb’ and feel like the least funny person in the world, but every so often we ‘crush it’ and the rush you get makes you feel like you could rip a car door off its hinges,” said Ben.

World Laughter Day was established and first celebrated on Sunday 10 May 1998, in Mumbai, India, arranged by Dr. Madan Kataria, founder of the worldwide Laughter Yoga movement.

Bianca Spears is a ‘Laughter and Wellbeing Facilitator’ and empowerment coach based in Sydney who uses “laughter, play, psychology and neuroscience” to help people “heal, rewire their minds and reclaim their lives through her NeuroPLAYstic approach”.

“Laughter yoga or laughter wellness sessions are a great way to begin intentionally laughing, as they’re an easy, guided way to accumulate more laughter and stay engaged,” Bianca told NOTA.

Bianca says laughter is much more significant than simply a reaction to something funny.

“I believe laughter is a natural tool for exercising and expressing, for relieving tension and re-establishing calm – think about awkward laughs – and it’s a tool we can use intentionally.

“Hundreds of thousands of people across the world, including scientists and researchers, understand that laughter is a readily available superpower for our health and wellbeing.

“Laughter Yoga is a method of belly laughing on purpose, ‘for the health of it’, and was created by a doctor (Dr. Kataria) after he researched, discovering the truth behind the old adage ‘Laughter is the best medicine’,” she said.

So what are some of the benefits?

“Physically, laughing tones and relaxes our muscles and helps to move toxins out by acting like a pump for our lymphatic system,” Bianca said.

“It oxygenates our cells and improves circulation.

“When we laugh, we release a cocktail of feel-good chemicals including endorphins; natural opiates that help to reduce pain.

“Mentally, a good chuckle reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression, also lowering stress chemicals in our system including cortisol.

“It sets fertile ground for building new neural pathways, allowing for easy, fun and lasting habit change.

“Laughter, and the playful perspective that tends to come with it, allows us to build a strong, resilient mind and take life more lightly.

“Cognitive function improves as we laugh, and after a laughter wellness session, many people experience a lifting of brain fog and mental clarity that they find refreshing and relieving.”

For those interested to learn more, Laughter Yoga and Laughter Wellness sessions can be found online.


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