WORKS will soon commence to upgrade five playgrounds across Port Stephens to improve the wellbeing and liveability of local communities.
Korora Oval at Salamander Bay is the first in line for a new playground, designed for all abilities and ages.

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Mayor Ryan Palmer said the upgrades will ensure the kids of Port Stephens have enhanced and accessible playspaces.
“We’re committed to delivering quality open spaces for locals and visitors to enjoy – and our playgrounds are a key priority,” Mayor Palmer said.
“We’ve made sure the improvements to these playgrounds have been designed using feedback from the community, considering how users and carers enjoy these spaces.
“They’ll include more accessible equipment that can be used by everyone, including those with limited mobility,” he added.
Assets Section Manager John Maretich said maintaining public open spaces and modernising equipment is a high priority action in the Community Strategic Plan, which was adopted in 2022.
“We’re working hard to ensure our community’s infrastructure and facilities are safe, convenient and reliable,” Mr Maretich said.
“During our community consultation, we heard the favourite ways of play included climbing, swinging, sliding, imaginative/sensory play and balancing.
“We’ve tried to incorporate these elements into the new playspaces and look forward to being able to replace and modernise the equipment to bring it in line with current safety standards,” he added.
The works will kick off at Korora Oval, with minimal disruption to the rest of the park and sporting groups, and weather permitting, the new playground will be open to the public by June 2024.
“All going to plan, the five playspace upgrades will be complete by the end of 2024,” Mr Maretich added.
Council has secured funding for playspace upgrades at Taylors Beach, Korora Oval, Salamander Bay and Elkin Avenue, Raymond Terrace via the NSW Government Stronger Country Communities Fund.
Centennial Park, Tanilba Bay and Tomaree Sports Complex, Nelson Bay will be funded via Council’s Asset Rehabilitation and Developer Contributions funds