Woolgoolga Lions, Rotary and Red Cross club together to fundraise for flood victims

Woolgoolga community collaboration: Rotarian Patty Delaney, Red Cross Jenny Wilk and Lions Club Jean Vickery.


WOOLGOOLGA groups have clubbed together to help those who have lost so much in the floods around Lismore.

“Once again Woolgoolga Lions and Woolgoolga Rotary service clubs have worked together with Woolgoolga Red Cross to support people affected by natural disasters,” Woolgoolga Red Cross Branch Patron Robyn Rooth told News Of The Area.

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“Rallying to a call for help from Judy Jackson, Red Cross Emergency Services Team Leader, funding was sought from the ever-generous Lions Club of Woolgoolga.

“The aim was to pack toiletry bags to give to people leaving Evacuation Centres but unable to go home permanently.

“The Lions’ response was an amazing $2,000 and a small team of Woolgoolga Red Cross Branch members spent many hours shopping for bargains at the local Woolworths store, who were incredibly helpful.

“The store added a $100 voucher and a generous shopper who saw the Red Cross members also donated $100.
“Members Jenny Wilks and Kerry Chaffey selected a range of suitable toiletries including shampoo, shaving gear, insect repellent and other important and necessary items.

“Jenny and Kerry then led a small group of Woolgoolga Red Cross, Lions Club and Rotary volunteers in a working bee to sort and prepare packs for transport to displaced flood victims in Grafton, Woodburn and Maclean,” said Robyn.

Australian Red Cross are conducting a major Flood Appeal to raise money to help flood victims get back on their feet.

If anyone would like to help, donations can be made either to Woolgoolga’s local Branch (0418646801) or direct to Red Cross at redcross.org,au/floodsappeal or on 1800733276.


Woolgoolga rallies: Rotarian Patty Delaney, Red Cross Judy Boyle, Kerry Chaffey, President Carol Rowe with, Red Cross Jenny Wilk, Rotarian Echah Wright, Lion Jean Vickery and Red Cross Marion Smart.

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