THE latest donation by Woolgoolga Lions Club has gone to the Coffs Harbour Health Campus to support the tiniest members of the community…newborn babies.
With a host of generous donations to fund hospital equipment, Woolgoolga Lions has now presented $20,493.06 worth of equipment to the hospital’s postnatal service, where midwives visit mums and bubs at home.

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The donation included two jaundice meters, two breast pumps and two ophthalmoscopes, which are used to detect congenital cataracts and other abnormalities.
Midwifery Group Practice Manager Connie Greenwood said the donation was a gamechanger for the service, which provides continuity of care to women by the same midwife – from early pregnancy, throughout labour, until the baby is six weeks old.
“This is a wonderfully generous gift that supports our service, supports our mothers and their babies,” said Connie.
“The jaundice meters enable us to screen newborns in their home for jaundice and accelerate care and treatment of what can be a serious health issue if not detected.
“The ophthalmoscopes vastly improve outcomes for bubs through early identification of potential concerns.
“The portable breast pumps are helping mums who have had a premature baby through the early days and weeks of their breastfeeding experiences.
“Being able to access this up-to-date equipment means these newborns are still able to benefit from breast milk and the antibodies it contains that help fight off viruses and infection.”
Mike Mellefont, Lions Club of Woolgoolga told News Of The Area, “The Lions Club of Woolgoolga has for many years supported the Coffs Harbour Hospital with donations of medical equipment.
“We have shared this around various units such as Paediatrics, Renal, Rehab, Emergency Department, Cancer and so this time we thought that the Maternity Unit could surely do with some support.
“We have now donated $179,662 to the hospital over the last seven years.
“Fundraising is mainly done through our operation of the Woolgoolga Waste Transfer Station (WTS) under contract to Coffs Harbour City Council who are very supportive of the Lions Club.
“This however has only been possible because of the 30 or so community volunteers who give up their time to assist the Club every weekend.
“Attending the presentation and listening to the nursing staff gives us so much pride and pleasure to know that we and our volunteers have made a difference to so many patients and hospital staff.
“It makes all that hard work so worthwhile,” he said.