Women invited to support Nambucca Valley CWA Evening Branch

WOMEN of the Nambucca Valley are invited to come along to Macksville Ex-Services Club on February 21 at 6pm to support the formation of the Nambucca Valley CWA Evening Branch.

Attendees are encouraged to stay on for dinner after the meeting.

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The Country Women’s Association (CWA) aims to improve conditions for country women and children in Australia.

Women living in rural areas have long felt isolation, and suffered a lack of adequate health and support facilities.

The CWA grew out of the need for country women to have better services and a unified voice in a male-dominated rural society.

From humble beginnings in 1922, the CWA of NSW now has over 370 branches, over 8,000 members statewide and is the largest women’s organisation in Australia.

Women from the country and the city across NSW/ACT meet to connect with others in their community, fundraise and help set policies which are lobbied for at a state level.

Members also enjoy cooking, handicraft, art and creative writing competitions as well as teaching skills to others.

From better digital connectivity to native vegetation reforms, CWA is at the forefront of improving conditions for country women and children and will continue to provide a voice for country families across NSW.

The CWA is a group for women of all ages, it’s a group that focuses on kindness to all and on helping others.

Further enquiries to Margaret on 0415204634.

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