At approximately 6.40pm on Friday 17 April, Tea Gardens Fire & Rescue were called to a house fire at North Arm Cove.
Numerous 000 calls had been received.
“The occupants had been evacuated and were being treated by Ambulance prior to our arrival.
“On arrival the 2 story brick house was well alight with North Arm Cove Rural fire Service (RFS) in attendance with Police.
RFS were setting up and protected exposures on the right side.
Leon Katz, Deputy Captain of Tea Gardens Fire and Rescue Our said, “Our crew donned breathing apparatus, the pump was put into gear and our aim was to keep the fire contained to the house, whilst protecting the neighbouring properties.”

“Power and gas were disconnected and with water supplies running low, we tapped into the properties water tank with help from RFS.”
“We then set up a relay pump to ensure continued supply,” he said.
The Fire was eventually brought under control, with minimal damage to adjoining properties.
Fire & Rescue crew along with RFS did a great job protecting adjoining properties, whilst utilising what resources we had on hand.
Unfortunately the house was badly damaged with the roof partially collapsed, but no fire fighters were injured.
A standby Fire & Rescue Crew from Tarro were in town (Tea Gardens) until our return at approximately 11.30pm.
Leon Katz said, “I would like to thank the neighbours, Ambulance, RFS and Police for their co-operation.”
A woman visitor to the house and her child were injured during the fire.
According to local sources, the female was released from hospital whilst the child was in an induced coma at West Mead Children’s Hospital Burns Unit.
There has been speculation as to the cause of the fire with latest reports indicating a gas barbeque explosion was responsible.
“We all wish the injured persons a speedy recovery and know our local community will pull together to assist the family from the residence with their loss of property and memories.”
I’m forever greatfull of the work and life savings effects of the town fire brigade however it should be noted this story places most of its enthusias on the town fire brigade and Mr Katz with very little credit to the Rural Fire Service. Also regardless as to the reporters or Mr Katz opinion it is a great advertisement for Mr Katz business. It is possible that next emergency the NOTA could take a photo of one of the other firies in front their business for some free publicity or maybe do the right thing by all volunteers and take a photo of the fire tanker. Very disappointing both the NOTA and Mr Katz
Absolute rubbish this story. My baby and I were the ones burnt. My baby was never put in an induced coma, I was left with 35% burns. The house was timber split level not brick. The fire did not start from a gas explosion or bottle. I wasn’t released from hospital until 8 weeks later. Seriously if you are going to post something get the story right. I like how it’s not mentioned that it took the tea gardens brigade over an hour to get there. First on the scene I believe was medowie. Worst story report ever
Dear Laur, Many thanks for your comments. We will be in touch via email to talk to you about a story on the incident.