WIRES MNC information stalls a big hit at the Macksville and Bellingen Shows

Providing WIRES information to the public at the Bellingen Show on the weekend were Wildlife Carers Tina Birtles, Toni Wright-Turner and Fiona Nielsen.

WIRES MNC (Wildlife Information Rescue and Education Service – Mid North Coast) information stalls at the Macksville and Bellingen Show were a big hit with many visitors attending the event dropping in and showing a genuine interest in local wildlife.

With captivating wildlife photographs on display and knowledgeable volunteers on hand to answer questions, visitors were also presented with native wildlife leaflets highlighting the diverse and abundant wildlife in the region.

It also provided a great opportunity for WIRES MNC to draw awareness to the ongoing need for more local wildlife rescue volunteers through programs like WIRES Rescue 101 and the Rescue and Immediate Care Course (RICC).

Many visitors to the stalls were surprised to learn of the increasing number of native animals in need both locally and across New South Wales.

WIRES MNC volunteer Fiona Nielsen told News Of The Area, “Our branch warmly welcomes new volunteers and the more local volunteers we have the better we can improve rescue response times for sick, injured, and orphaned native wildlife and ensure the best chance of survival.

“We were delighted that a number of visitors to our stall are wanting to help either through the Rescue 101 course which assists with transportation of sick, injured and orphaned wildlife and the wildlife rehabilitation RICC course.”

After a day of positive responses from the public, the WIRES MNC team packed up and headed home with renewed determination to continue their crucial efforts in safeguarding the region’s wildlife legacy.

“Every rescue, volunteer, and educational opportunity holds the potential to make a significant difference in the lives of countless animals both locally and across New South Wales and should you encounter a sick, injured, or orphaned native animal, please call WIRES on 1300 094 737 or, if safe to do so, take it directly to a vet for assessment,” added Ms Nielsen.

For more information on becoming a WIRES member please visit https://www.wires.org.au/training.


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