Windows damaged at Bulahdelah RSL Hall under Investigation

DAMAGE: Holes caused by objects thrown at the glass windows.
DAMAGE: Holes caused by objects thrown at the glass windows.

POLICE are investigating damage to windows at the RSL Hall in Crawford Street, Bulahdelah.

The damage was caused by objects, believed to be small rocks, which were thrown at the large windows on the front of the building.

The objects were thrown with enough force to leave holes of approximately five centimetres in diameter in two of the glass windows.

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Police are reviewing CCTV footage from the location to assist with their investigation.

The incident took place between 17 and 24 August.


DAMAGE: Large holes left in the glass windows.
DAMAGE: Large holes left in the glass windows.


VANDALISM: Bulahdelah RSL Hall.
VANDALISM: Bulahdelah RSL Hall.

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