What a performance – end of year show for BLiTS drama group

Mini BLiTS students ready to perform ‘The day the Crayons Quit!’


BLiTS Drama students took to the stage at Woolgoolga C.ex on Saturday 4 December for their end-of-year performance.

BLiTS Drama teacher Trudy Jeffery works with the children all year on their acting abilities, culminating with the students presenting a performance at the end of each year.

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All three classes showcased at the event.

Mini BLiTS – aged 5-10 – showed ‘The day the Crayons Quit!’ by Drew Dayward, an adapted play by Trudy Jeffery.

For Junior BLiTS – aged 11-12 – it was ‘All the ways the world will end, but not you’ by Ian McWethy and Jason Pizzarello.

Teen BLiTS – aged 13-17 – performed ’12 Angry Villains’ by Jason Pizzarello.

BLiTS Students did two performances in each session at 9:30am and 2:30pm.

Trudy Jeffery told News Of The Area, “The students were full of nerves and excitement when they arrived at the venue.

“All students should be very pleased with their performances.

“There is something about getting on a stage, with correct lighting, a backstage area that adds to the performance and people’s ability to act on stage, the sheer excitement and thrill of live performing is electric.

“I love watching these children grow and learn in the drama classes,” said Trudy.

“It is amazing to see what wonderful young actors/actresses they have turned out to be.

“It is great to see their confidence as they all have to stand up on stage and deliver lines.

“Standing on stage in front of people is not easy, I can tell you.

“Thank you to Woolgoolga, it was a fantastic venue, and the manager of the club was wonderful.

“Thank you to the volunteer helpers who contributed so much on the day, I would not have been able to pull off such a wonderful day without their help.”

Anyone interested in joining a BLiTS drama class in 2022, please express your interest via email to trudy@blitsdrama.com.au or on Facebook messenger via the BLiTS Drama page.

“If you are looking to boost your confidence, BLiTS Drama is the place to be,” Trudy encourages.

Registration Day for 2022 will be held on Thursday 27 January at 167 Orlando Street, Coffs Harbour, Auditorium 2, from 4:30-6pm.




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