Wet weather impacts Coffs Harbour sport

Numerous sporting grounds across the Coffs Harbour region have been closed due to the recent wet weather.


THE region’s recent downpour has had an impact on Coffs Harbour sport, affecting both the indoor and outdoor alike.

Last weekend’s final round of the Coffs Harbour District Association’s season before the finals was washed out due to the recent deluge, the latest in the majority of rounds this season which had to be cancelled due to the wet summer.

This weekend’s semi-finals also look set to be washed out if the heavy rain persists.

Local football matches were also affected last weekend, with the three Australia Cup matches scheduled for Sunday at the Coffs Coast Sport & Leisure Park synthetic fields having to be postponed.

Indoor sports were also not immune to the recent downpour.

The latest round of the Coffs Harbour Basketball Association’s high school and primary competitions had to be cancelled due to the build-up of moisture on the playing surface.

A number of other Coffs Harbour sports had to be cancelled or postponed due to the wet weather, including the Coffs Harbour Motorcycle Club’s first dirt track event of the year last weekend.

In addition to the cancellation of a number of matches, the wet weather has meant those training for the upcoming winter sport seasons have been unable to train at various sporting grounds due to their closure.



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