West Nelson Bay Diggers Fishing Club announce new committee

2020 Club Champion and Deep Sea Champion Jeremy Norgard is ready to get back out to defend his new titles.


IT’S no surprise that locals around the Bay love their fishing.

From hunting mulloway, bream, flatties, whiting, snapper or the elusive pearl perch to trawling for ‘bonnies’, swordfish or even blue marlins there is plenty of action from both the shore or for those out on boats within the region.

West Nelson Bay Diggers Fishing Club recently held their Annual General Meeting and Club presentation.

Greg Norgard, Club President told News Of The Area, “Both the presentation and AGM were delayed by Covid unfortunately, however, a new committee was elected for 2021.”

The new committee is President Greg Norgard, Secretary Toni McCloy, Treasurer Peter McCloy and Weighmaster/Safety Officer Jeremy Norgard.

“Due to Covid restrictions and inclement weather, we missed a few of our fishing comp weekends.

“However, enthusiasm for the comps, which are held on the second (full) weekend of the month, has not waned.”
The Club conducts weigh-ins on Sundays between 1-2pm followed by a social barbecue at the weigh station at Little Beach.

It’s here that many a tall tale is told about the one that got away, along with members trading tips and their favorite methods for landing a great catch.

The 2020 trophy winners were Jeremy Norgard, Club Champion and Deep Sea Champion, Craig Mather was Beach and Rock Champion, Paul Williams, Estuary Champion and Michelle Robinson, Ladies Champion.

“All comps were keenly contested,” Greg said.

Anyone wishing to join the Club is most welcome.

The club has active mens, ladies and junior members and is keen to welcome new members.

Inquiries please phone Greg on 0408687995 or Peter on 0418686482.




Jeremy Norgard with one of his catches.

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