West Diggers Nelson Bay Fishing Club catching a few

West Diggers Nelson Bay Fishing Club President Greg Norgard presenting a donation to Marine Rescue volunteers, Peter Young and Ian Drummond.

WINTER is often the time for some of the best catches around the port and members of the West Diggers Nelson Bay Fishing Club have been getting in the thick of it, with snapper and a 4.6-kilogram grouper among recent bags.

The club recently re-elected its executive committee unopposed.

The office holders are President, Greg Norgard; Secretary, Toni McCloy; Treasurer, Peter McCloy; Weighmaster and Safety Officer, Jeremy Norgard.

Reflecting on the past 12 months club member Jan Norgard told News Of The Area, “2021 proved to be a more than challenging year with three outings cancelled because of COVID and another four deep-sea outings cancelled because of inclement weather.

The weather played a big role, with no competitor managing more than a day offshore in the deep-sea category.

“Weather played a massive part in what can only be described as a year to forget,” said Jan.

“The annual points totals clearly reflected the challenges encountered over the year.”

The club is a family-oriented club, with both the Norgard and McCloy families having three generations fishing in the monthly competitions, whenever possible.

Club President Greg Norgard has just taken delivery of a new boat after patiently waiting 12 months and has competed in very few competitions during the past year.

“Maybe with the new craft, ‘R-Ageing Rabbit’ (Greg is a former South Sydney player), will be a force to be reckoned with,” said Jan.

One of the club’s newest members, Reggie Stolk, recently caught a 4.6kg groper on his first outing.

“Unfortunately, he hasn’t had much luck since!” said Jan.

“But then again that’s why they call it fishing not catching.”

The Norgard family has been doing really well with snapper catches (most of which are released) as seen in the photos.

The club supports and donates to the Marine Rescue for the work it does.

“One of our members recently needed their assistance when his anchor rope became tangled around the propeller,” said Jan.

“He was most grateful for their help in getting him out of trouble.

“We enjoy a social barbecue each month after the weigh-in on Sundays, as well as the occasional social outing,” she said.

To find out more about the club phone Peter on 0418686482 or Greg on 0408687995.


Jasper McCloy was quite excited with this catch, which put up a bit of a fight during one of the competitions.

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