Medowie Brigade Training
The Medowie Rural Fire Brigade has been busy completing ‘pre-season’ training.

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The Brigade does map reading and plotting, draughting, dry firefighting and fire over-run scenarios in preparation for the fire season.
Fire Visibility
When it comes to an emergency, time is of the essence.
Emergency services are quite good at finding addresses but sometimes, especially at night, it can be difficult visibility is low and letterboxes and their numbers can be extremely hard to see.
Local Fire Brigades are asking the community to consider putting it on your ‘Is my House Fire Ready’ to do list to make your house numbers as visible as possible.
The Brigades say that reflectors are great, but even just painting the number on either side of the letter box (instead of just the front) makes finding houses so much easier.
Motor Vehicle Accident
Numerous emergency service units responded to a motor vehicle accident on the night of Wednesday 12 October.
Due to a pothole, a single vehicle has left the road and was in a ditch, with a casualty trapped in the vehicle.
Crews quickly worked to stabilise the vehicle and manage the casualty.
A front door removal was performed using hydraulic tools, to allow sufficient space.
The driver was taken to hospital as a precaution.
Local Area Reconnaissance
Throughout the week, Port Stephens SES crews were in the field undertaking local area reconnaissance.
As part of this task, crews inspected the condition of the local boat ramps, drove roads in low lying areas to check for water ingress, observed levee banks, monitored river heights, checked bridges, ensured our sandbag points had sufficient sand and bags, and answered many questions from members of the community.