We Learn on Worimi Land’ – Tea Gardens Public School celebrates NAIDOC Week

Students led a special NAIDOC Assembly wearing Worimi inspired colours.


TEA GARDENS Public School students celebrated NAIDOC last week, following the national theme, ‘Always Was, Always Will Be’, acknowledging that they all learn on Worimi land.

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The school principal, Mr Mark Clemson, told NOTA, ‘Our students at Tea Gardens Public School learned about our local First Nations.

“They took part in a range of activities at school including weaving, mosaic, pottery, cooking and Aboriginal games.

We planted a Bush Tucker garden and learned about the plants.

“We listened to Dreaming stories and wrote about what makes our local area so special to them.”

The students all enjoyed wearing the colours of the Aboriginal flag and immersing themselves in the culture of our First Nations people.

NAIDOC Week celebrations are held around the country to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

The week is celebrated not just in our Indigenous communities but also in community organisations, local councils, workplaces, schools and sporting groups.

For more information go to https://www.naidoc.org.au.


By Sandra MURRAY


Aazayliah and Savannah with the school’s bakuwi (totem) mosaic, the dolphin, crafted during NAIDOC week.


Ebony Hestelow creating some NAIDOC inspired pottery.


Kobi Harvey highlighting some native plants across the school site.


Kindy students enjoyed Indigenous games.

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