Want to join in The Count? Bellingen Riverwatch tests for waterbugs this September

Join the count on September 14-15.


IN June, 30 Bellingen Riverwatch (BR) volunteers and partners gathered to examine and identify the tiny creatures that live in our waterways.


Because the waterbugs found in our rivers are a direct indicator of environmental impact – if they change over time, then some difference in the environment has caused that change.

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This event was part of a new Macroinvertebrate Monitoring program launched in June – one of the largest of its kind in the country.

The data is hoped to be collected twice a year and extend well into the future, to build a clear picture of how our waterways are changing over time.

“We are looking long-term with this program and are seeking funding partners to support this to happen,” said Program Manager, Amy Denshire.

“We’re hoping to build the skills and knowledge in community members, and for these citizen scientists to form the pillars of the program.”

The data from the sites tested last month is now being collated by the team at the National Waterbug Blitz and is planned to form part of a presentation called ‘Can citizen science inform science? – Evaluating results of the Bellingen Riverwatch citizen science program and a parallel government monitoring program’, by BR partners at the International River Symposium on September 28.

“This conference presents a great opportunity to share the successes of the Bellingen Riverwatch citizen science program with the rest of the world,” said Amy.

“There is a unique and exciting aspect of Bellingen Riverwatch, where we have four years of scientist and citizen scientist water quality monitoring data collected alongside each other.

“This allows for validation of the data and helps us form recommendations for program refinements.”

The BR macroinvertebrate testing program is planned to take place in May and September of each year with the next round on the 15 and 16 September.

“The testing is very complex and involved and requires a lot of concentration,” said Amy.

“But despite this intensity, it is very fun!”

BR volunteer Kathleen said, “It was great to gain experience doing the samping, sorting and identifying.

“It is a real privilege to be a part of a citizen science team that comes together, learns together and is incredibly dedicated to the health of our precious waterways,” she said.

“This is such a great program!” said Sarah Maclagan from Local Land Services.

“It offers a tangible way for people to give back to nature, in a fun and accessible way.

“Not only will you get to learn about the fascinating little creatures inhabiting the river, but you will have the chance to make new friends and feel more connected to your local community.”

The Bellingen Rivewatch Macroinvertebrate Monitoring Program is supported by the NSW Department of Planning Industry and Environment and it’s Saving our Species program, the Australian Government’s Bushfire Recovery Program for wildlife and their habitat, Local Land Services, Bellingen Shire Council, EnviroComm Connections Pty Ltd, National Waterbug Blitz, NSW Waterwatch, OzGREEN, Bellinger Landcare and Project Checkpoint.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please contact Program Coordinator, Amy Denshire on riverwatch@ozgreen.org.au.


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