Walking to Melbourne via Coffs Harbour on the Big Walk for Little Kids

Ed Orszulak and Seb Boehm with people they met in Lanitza, near South Grafton, including Leon Scarlett (second from right) who is the father of a former Camp Quality camper.

EDWARD Orszulak and Seb Boehm chose Coffs Harbour as a rest stop on their walk from Brisbane to Melbourne to raise money for Camp Quality, a support group for children with cancer.

Major Oszulak is an officer in the Australian Army and Mr Boehm is an ACT Firefighter.

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They stopped to meet local families involved with Camp Quality and invited people to walk a little way with them.

“The legs are feeling good, they get a bit sore at the end of the day, especially the first three days when we got blisters and could only walk one hour at a time and have a break,” Major Orszulak told the News Of The Area.

“We do on average about 45 kms per day now that our feet are tougher, and we can walk three hours at a time before a break.”

Over the past four years, the pair have walked a total of 1566 km to raise money for kids doing it tough.

They have walked “Trek4Kids – Kilimanjaro”, fundraising over $35,000, and on this year’s “Big Walk for LIttle Kids” they aim to raise $250,000 by covering over 2740 kms.

Major Orszulak also goes on camps and fun days to give children the kind of experiences they’ve been missing.

“Every day, two Aussie families are given the heartbreaking news that their child has cancer,” he said.

“It’s not only devastating for the child, but crippling for the whole family.

“Camp Quality makes all the difference on the long road of a cancer journey.”

The pair ensure they stick to a key recovery routine every night, which consists of an ice bath, hot tub and then pulling on the compression pants.

Their support team includes a medic and cook who ensure the men eat enough and consume high carbohydrate and high protein to stop muscle wastage.

They walked through Woolgoolga and Korora, Bonville, Valery, Gleniffer, Thora, and Dorrigo before heading west.

They expect to reach Melbourne on 26 August.

Donations can be made on the Big Walk for Little Kids website.


Ed Orszulak met Cheryl Lane from Sawtell and her husband Alistair near Central Bucca Road.

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