Volunteering Coffs Harbour Inc says it is time to consider volunteering Coffs Coast by News Of The Area - Modern Media - January 5, 2022 Dan Mitsuharu just one of the 130 volunteers across services offered by Volunteering Coffs Harbour Inc. IMPACTS of 2021 have left those that were already disadvantaged more vulnerable, says Di Woods, Manager at Coffs Harbour Neighbourhood Centre. “Everyone in our community has the ability to make a positive impact for others in our community,” Di told News Of The Area. Advertise with News of The Area today. It’s worth it for your business. Message us. Phone us – (02) 4981 8882. Email us – media@newsofthearea.com.au “Imagine if each of us made a resolution to donate just an hour a week to helping someone else, what an inspirational change could be made across our community. “There is a huge range of organisations actively seeking support from community members. “Many roles don’t need special skills, just an interest, passion or willingness to help others. “Not everyone is in a position to donate money – but giving your time is extremely valued.” Volunteering Coffs Harbour Incorporated is supported by 130 volunteers per year. “There are formulas that calculate the added benefit that volunteers provide,” said Di. “This is not only based on time donated, but the immense added benefits and support that are generated for the community by volunteering. “Volunteering Coffs Harbour Inc volunteers generate over $600,000 annually in benefit to our community. “We support and coordinate volunteers for over 34 local organisations who are currently needing volunteers.” There are roles including, visiting, cooking, gardening, driving, reception, support or mentoring others. “There is something for everyone,” she said. If you are interested in volunteering, Bridge to Volunteering online workshops will be hosted by the Centre for Volunteering throughout February. These workshops provide an introduction to volunteering, covering benefits of volunteering; how to get involved in your community; rights and responsibilities of volunteers and organisations that engage volunteers; things to consider when looking for a volunteer role; how to find a suitable volunteer role and volunteering opportunities. “These sessions are helpful for anyone looking to volunteer, particularly for people who have never volunteered before, people who have done some volunteering but want a more comprehensive introduction to volunteering or people who are new to Australia and have not volunteered here.” These will be held online on 4, 11 and 18 February at 10:30am-12:30pm. Bookings via https://www.volunteering.com.au/event/bridge-to-volunteering-an-introduction-to-volunteering-webinar-32/ To explore and be matched to local volunteering opportunities and organisations contact Coffs Coast Volunteering 6648 3660,or email volunteer.reception@chnc.com.au reopening on January 10. By Andrea FERRARI David Hargreaves, a happy volunteer.