Veteran Coffs Harbour gents celebrate ten years of social tennis

Peter Dombroski, Graham Lockett, George Partos, Paul McKeon, Darryl Skinner and Ken Henderson.

A GROUP of older Coffs Harbour men have just celebrated the tenth anniversary of their social tennis group.

These eight gentlemen in their late 70s and early 80s get together every Friday for two hours of tennis, followed by an hour at the Yacht Club to get over it.

Their style of tennis is not quite what you see in televised matches; utilising unpredictability and shots the likes of which have never before been seen in Grand Slam matches.

“The one thing that I can say about all our players is that we have mastered the art of inconsistency,” group member George Partos told NOTA.

Some are also playing with disadvantages not witnessed on the centre court of Wimbledon.

Between the group are three heart bypasses, two knee replacements, a few cancer survivors and numerous minor ailments.

They also provide a steady supply of work to local physiotherapists.

“The combination of two hours of good exercise followed by a couple of social drinks is good for both their physical and mental health,” said tennis enthusiast Paul McKeon.

Numerous studies have been undertaken on the health benefits of playing tennis.

One conducted in Denmark, published by the Mayo Clinic and reported in the New York Times, claims that playing tennis can add ten years to a person’s life.

While the physical benefits of increasing aerobic capacity, lowering body fat, increasing bone density and improving muscle tone are well established, the mental benefits for older people playing with friends are less well known.


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