Valla residents take to consultation meeting at Council to protect wildlife lot

Concerned community members outside Council Chambers. Photo: Chris Hewgill.


NAMBUCCA Valley Council has resolved to support the reclassification of a small portion of public land in Valla Beach from Community Land to Operational Land for future development, 4 votes to 3.

The area of land is at Lot 45, at 99 and 101 Ocean View Drive at Valla Beach.

According to Valla resident Cathy Welsford, “This small block joins a large bushed area, the Valla Beach Reserve, and a small remnant of bush on the other side of Ocean View Drive.”

For those residents who are unsure of where the block is, Cathy said, “It’s the land where you see the kangaroos.

“It’s a fabulous corridor for all sorts of animals and birds nest there in the hollow trees.

“The proposed rezoning area will only support two house blocks at the expense of an established wildlife corridor and an area used daily by the local community.”

A public consultation meeting was held about this issue on 4 November at Nambucca Valley Council Chambers, and concerned residents spoke against the proposal.

A consultation meeting is part of the process of rezoning any Council land.

Emma Broomfield is the independent consultant who heard the concerns, and will write up a report to be given to Council.

This report will be put on the Council website.

A petition has been circulating and Cathy said, “We have had a magnificent community response.

“We have about 250 physical signatures on the petition and 350 online signatures.

“This is nearly half the population of Valla Beach.”

Approximately 23 attended the consultation meeting, with 10 speakers, all of who spoke against the rezoning of the land.

Information provided by the concerned Valla residents states that, “Previous Councils designated Lot 45 as Community Land for good reasons that have not changed, as the community has repeatedly expressed a desire to retain some open green spaces for future generations and wildlife.

“Once gone, it is lost forever.

“Lot 45 provides a significant wildlife corridor for kangaroos, echidnas, koalas, monitor lizards, goannas, brush turkeys , and a huge variety of birds using the trees for feeding, nesting, transit to the remnant bush on either side, and as part of the annual migrations.”

There are also threatened native plants regenerating naturally on the lot.

Written submissions are being made to the panel, to be received up until 4 pm on 12 November.

Council will remeet and decide what to do with the rezoning after reading the report provided by the consultant.

A final decision on the land will be made in the new year.

More information is available at:




Valla residents expressing concerns at the consultation. Photo: Cathay Welsford.

2 thoughts on “Valla residents take to consultation meeting at Council to protect wildlife lot

  1. I am a Valla Rural resident however I don not support the rezoning of any land sat Valla Beach.
    I feel the rezoning of the land in question is an obvious attempt of the council to ‘cash in’ on exorbitant current land & property increases at the expense of wildlife and virgin native land.
    Please add my signature to the petition.

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