Urunga Ladies Golf

Tracey Swanston and Lindy Thomas, 2021 Foursomes Champions.




Sponsor Ladies Golf

Winner – M.Cooper 39 pts. c/b

R/up – D.Connor 39 pts

Balls went to – M.Cooper, D.Connor, L.Bastick, C.Winzer, S.Valentine & R.Inskip

Congratulations ladies, good scores.

Friday 24/9/21.

Foursomes Championships

Sponsor – Hogbin Funerals

Foursomes Champions – T.Swanston & L.Thomas. 148 gross

Champions r/up – L.Guest & L.Bastick 154 gross

27 hole nett – S.McLean & K.Thick. 109.5 nett

27 hole nett r/up – F.Jones & S.Valentine. 115.75 nett is c/b

18 hole gross – R.Telford & M.Cooper. 112 gross

18 hole nett – J.Robinson & K.Saye. 73.5 nett

9 hole gross – J.Tierney & D.Lindsay. 59 gross

9 hole nett – M.Bishop & L.Skaines. 41.25 nett

Congratulations to all these winners, especially to our club champions.

Thank you to Lois Milham and Marie Hulst for doing the board.

Not an easy job.


By Marlene BISHOP

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