Urunga Bowls Results

Beryl, Ava and Rhonda with Izzy, Leslie and Leanne.


THE ladies at Urunga have been busy this week, not letting the weather stop them getting games completed for Club Championships before presentation day.

Sue Davis and Helen Hoffman played Izzy Pettit and Ava Power, Beryl Titmas and Lynne Tarrant played Pammy Watson and Elaine Cameron.

Sue and Helen now play Beryl and Lynne for the title of Major/Minor 2021 all the best to both teams.

Hopefully they will manage to stay dry, which was not the case on Thursday.

On Saturday afternoon two very talented teams met to see who would be the 2021 triples championship winners, and what a game they gave the spectators, nail-biting to the end resulting in end 22 having to be played with both teams in a draw at end 21.

Beryl Titmas, Ava Powerand Rhonda Riley’s came away with a fantastic win over Izzy Pettit, Leslie Whittaker and Leanne Reid whose duties as a skip proved she is a fabulous all-rounder.

She will definitely find herself being picked up in future teams.

All six players should be very proud and if they’re in doubt they should watch a replay because it really was a great effort by both teams.

While all this excitement was happening spectators also had their eye on the open gender final by two talented gents who really bowled some great games to get into the finals.

Congratulations to Glen Bones Wedlock and John Davis.

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