Urunga Boardwalk set to get a makeover

Locals will soon be able to enjoy improved access to the boardwalk.

THE iconic Urunga Boardwalk is soon to be upgraded following the announcement that Council has successfully secured $3.96M in funding from Round Two of the NSW Government’s Regional Tourism Activation Fund.

The renewal of the boardwalk will also allow improved access for those with mobility issues and require a wheelchair or other assistance and help bring to life Council’s Inclusive Tourism Strategy and Disability Inclusion Action Plan.

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The boardwalk will use sustainable, recycled materials which also aligns to Council’s sustainability practices as it continues to focus on becoming an Eco Certified destination.

Bellingen Mayor Cr Steve Allan expressed his gratitude for the work done to date and application process to secure the funding that will inject life into this project.

“It is an important step towards making our region even more accessible and welcoming, not just for visitors but also our local community who spend time down on the waterfront with friends and family.”

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