Urgent funds sought for hockey field upgrade

Hockey Coffs Coast president Dean Herbert, women’s sports mentor Gaye Wallace, Federal Member for Cowper Pat Conaghan and local hockey star Evie Laverty at the newly closed facility.

HOCKEY Coffs Coast President Dean Herbert is calling on all levels of government to assist in saving the Stadium Drive synthetic hockey field after it was closed last month due to safety concerns over an unstable playing surface.

The closure has left the 500-plus strong association without a viable playing ground.

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“At this stage, we need (City of Coffs Harbour) Council to partner with us to provide enough of a co-contribution for us to be eligible for Federal and State funding streams,” said Mr Herbert.

“We are meeting with the NSW Minister for Sport later in August to discuss their final remaining grant opportunity for this year.

“If this final opportunity is unsuccessful, then we’re in real trouble.

“If Council were to provide a genuine contribution before our meeting, perhaps we’ll have a better chance, but as it stands, we’ve been left on our own.”

Speaking on Moffee in the Morning last Thursday, Mr Herbert said the association “had hit a roadblock” with council in terms of securing funds for the facility.

The association president said it was “very evident” that hockey was not a priority for council.

In addition to hockey, the field closure is also impacting RISE Coffs Harbour, an organisation dedicated to supporting disadvantaged and at-risk youth in our community through sports, education and life-skills programs.

Federal Cowper MP Pat Conaghan met with Mr Herbert on Monday at the facility, alongside RISE Technical Director Phil McMullen.

“I know that the closure of the playing surface is an extremely disappointing outcome for the hockey community of the Coffs Coast,” Mr Conaghan said.

“I believe that this facility not only deserves to be upgraded but also needs to be looked at as a priority and subsequently included in Council’s priority project list.

“This will go a long way to increasing the chance of receiving both State and Federal grant money as it becomes available.”

Coffs Harbour MP Gurmesh Singh outlined his support for the state funding request, expressing hope Council would come on board with further support too.

“The unfortunate fact is that synthetic turf has a shelf life, even with the considerable investment made by the Club to maintain the turf surface over the past seven years,” Mr Singh said.

“The Club has provided reports on the pitch’s condition to its members and to Council since 2017 and have completed the required deep cleans at appropriate intervals since that time.

“Despite these efforts, the pitch has now passed its ‘use-by’ date and requires a full upgrade.

“I have lobbied the Minister for Sport to provide support for the project and I will continue to support the club in any avenue that I can.

“I sincerely hope that our elected Council members will do the same after September’s election,” Mr Singh said.

Following Mr Herbert’s radio appearance, City of Coffs Harbour Council issued a statement suggesting the segment had “failed to mention the elephant in the room”.

“A relevant fact which somehow went unspoken is that Hockey Coffs Coast – who lease the City-owned ground – is responsible for the maintenance of the playing surface,” the statement read.

“The necessity for a new field and the associated grant funding requirements were not something that should have been discovered a few months ago, when urgent action is needed.

“The media report might have also asked Hockey Coffs Coast how many grants it has sought specifically for the surface replacement in the past five years?”

The City has stated it will continue to work with Hockey Coffs Coast towards a solution, suggesting the club could seek “commercial funding options” and “funding support from the sport’s state and national bodies”.

In a Council meeting in June, City of Coffs Harbour Natalia Cowley suggested Bellingen Shire Council should help fund repairs to the facility, given hockey clubs from that LGA use the fields.

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