Urgent care clinic pledged for Maitland by both major parties Dungog Shire by News Of The Area - Modern Media - March 6, 2025 BOTH major parties have promised to deliver an urgent care clinic (UCC) in Maitland if successful at the 2025 Federal election. Medicare UCCs provide urgent bulk-billed health care in a general practice setting. Advertise with News of The Area today. It’s worth it for your business. Message us. Phone us – (02) 4981 8882. Email us – media@newsofthearea.com.au UCCs provide acute episodic care and treatment that does not require a hospital admission. Labor has pledged to deliver the facility in Maitland as part of a $644 million commitment to open another 50 UCCs nationwide. Once all of Labor’s clinics are open, four out of five Australians will live within a 20-minute drive of a Medicare Urgent Care Clinic, the government says. Labor said the Maitland clinic would begin operating seven days a week with extended hours in the 2025-26 financial year. “At this election Australia faces a choice: a stronger Medicare with more bulk billing for all Australians under Labor, or more cuts to Medicare under Peter Dutton’s Liberals,” said Member for Paterson Meryl Swanson. “Only Labor will deliver a Medicare Urgent Care Clinic in Maitland.” The Liberals on the other hand claim that Maitland is yet to receive a UCC due to being “taken for granted by Labor”. “Labor has had three years to secure an Urgent Care Clinic for Paterson, but they have failed to deliver,” Liberal candidate for Paterson Laurence Antcliff said. “After the last election, Hunter, Shortland, and Newcastle all received Urgent Care Clinics, but Paterson was left behind – I will make that right.” While Maitland looks set to receive a UCC, no clinics have been pledged for the Lyne electorate. “Despite the clear need in our region, Labor has no plan to deliver a single new clinic in Lyne,” said Independent candidate for Lyne Jeremy Miller. “Local voters have been forgotten by both major parties yet again.” Mr Miller reaffirmed his commitment to fighting for improved healthcare services in Lyne, calling on voters to demand better from Canberra. “We need real representation that puts the needs of our community first. As your independent voice, I will fight to make sure we get our fair share.”