U3A Fishing for Fun

Simon set the tone for the day with a nice bream.

THE monthly get together of U3A Fishing crew happened at Stuarts Point this time.

Everything was perfect with high tide and warm weather, we just needed fish to complete the story.

It soon became apparent that catching bream would be the order of the day.

Across the board most people caught fish.

In fact most members caught two bream each which kept our spirits high. Simon caught four bream which entitled him to be “angler of the day”.

Many of the group stayed on for a barbeque lunch, which is fast becoming a tradition.

Our expert is Greg Artlett who happily advises new members on fishing techniques.

Greg is also a volunteer trainer for the Fisheries NSW.

If you wish to join the group and a member of U3A then give Greg a call on 0427689400.

You could also join U3A and take advantage of many other activities.


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