U3A Fishing for Fun

Greg B admires his bream before returning it to the Nambucca River.

ONE of the features of fishing at Macksville is that you can nearly go fishing in the main street.

Well sort of.

The reserve area of the Macksville Bridge not far away, is a great spot with all the facilities for boat and land fishing and that is where we fished in July.

All week there was warm sunny weather but not this time however overcast conditions can lead to good catches.

Heather and Felicity regularly catch fish and get their photograph taken.

Once again that happened with both catching bream.

Dan caught a whiting but you can hardly see it in the photo it was so small. Feature anglers this month are Greg A with a bream.

Greg is often too busy organising the rest of us to have a fish but he managed time today.

The other Greg has shown potential for a while and finally came good with a bream as well.

The U3A crew came away pleased with their efforts.

Our contact is Greg Artlett on 04276894010.

Greg is also a volunteer fishing educator with the Dept of Primary Industries.


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