U3A Fishing For Fun

Bev sets the standard with her Bream.

THE last few weeks of beautiful autumn weather chose to fade on our fishing day.

However, when you are fishing on the banks of the Nambucca River watching a pod of pelicans performing synchronised swimming while Osprey roam the sky, you can ignore the sun hiding behind grey menacing clouds.

Some 16 members of the U3A Fishing for Fun group showed up this month.

We were confronted with a fast flowing tide requiring heavy sinkers to sit on the riverbed with the bait flipping around like a dog wagging its tail.

That resulted in a number of lines catching other lines resulting in tangles.

Luckily, we had Daniel.

He was the man of the moment, de-snagging and untangling just about everyone.

A range of baits were tried including mullet, squid and chicken to attract as many fish species as possible.

As it turned out only the Bream were interested.

Even then, only three were caught over the three-hour period.

Luckily catching fish is only part of the attraction of our group. Good companionship and delicious morning teas are just as important.

Any U3A members who would like to add Fishing for Fun to their list of courses can do that by ringing Greg Artlett on 0427689400.

We meet on the last Friday of the month at different spots around the valley.


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