Triple M and Beyond Blue focused on men’s mental health on No Talk Day

Dr Grant Blashki, Beyond Blue’s lead clinical advisor.


SUICIDE claims the lives of nine Australians every day – that’s more than double the road toll.

Seventy five percent of those who take their own life are male.

Males aged 85 and older experience the highest age-specific rate of suicide.

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It’s the number one killer of men aged 18-44.

Triple M’s No Talk Day on Thursday July 1 shut down all talk on air to draw a focus on men’s mental health.

‘We’re not talking so you can’, said the campaign promotion.

“Starting a conversation may save a life.

“It might be the most important conversation you ever have.”

Triple M partnered with Beyond Blue in a day of no shows, no ads, no announcers and no traffic news – just real-life stories from individuals who fought their way through dark times and made it to the other side – a main point of ‘no talk’ was to allow listening and hear how we can start the conversation with a male friend, family member or colleague who is struggling.

Dr Grant Blashki, Beyond Blue’s lead clinical advisor said, “There’s a lot of guys doing it tough out there.

“Whether it’s male culture or Aussie culture, they won’t talk about it, they just put up with things.

“The main time we see guys fall in a hole is a relationship bust-up or trouble at work; rather than getting help they start drinking and withdraw, staying up late and sleeping all day.”

Grant urges men to go to their GP and get a Mental Health Plan in place to begin the process of managing their depression, anxiety or whatever it is that’s causing them to wobble.

Giving listeners tips to use to open the conversation with a friend they’re worried about, Grant said, “You don’t have to be a psychologist; listen to them and help them get help; get in touch with Beyond Blue.”

If you or anyone you know, needs a little help getting through tough times, see: or contact Lifeline on 13 11 14.




Reach out to Beyond Blue if you or a friend needs mental health help.

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