Tributes flow for influential developer

VALE Geoffrey John Cox.

TRIBUTES have flowed for the late Geoffrey John Cox, who played a key role in multiple Tea Gardens developments.

Born in 1937, Mr Cox passed away on 16 February 2025 aged 87 years.

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“Geoff was a dynamic and tireless icon in the property development industry,” said former colleague Gail Mullins, one of Mr Cox’s first employees.

“His innovative approach and passion for excellence produced many unique projects.”

Growing up in Wagga Wagga, Geoff attended boarding school at the Kings School.

His early working life was spent in his father’s farm machinery business, before moving the family to Sydney.

“Property became his passion, and it was in the late ‘70s that he put his toe into property development, developing his first estate at Narara on the Central Coast.”

Developments up and down the east coast followed, including on the Myall Coast.

“[He worked on] a major mixed development at Tea Gardens comprising residential housing with lake frontage known as Myall Quays,” said Gail.

“This development received awards for the unique water reticulation system throughout the project.”

At this time Geoff was encouraged to consider developing retirement villages, leading to his involvement in the formation of the Tea Gardens Grange Lifestyle Resort.

“This village has taken out numerous awards for innovation and design, setting new standards which have since been embraced by the industry.”

Gail described Geoff as a “stickler for perfection”, a “great motivator” and a man “revered for his honesty and integrity”.

“Always a gentleman but nobody’s fool, he was greatly respected by his peers and the many people who enjoyed their new homes and lifestyles.

“If you were ever to ask Geoff about his achievements, he would be modest and self-deprecating but there is no doubt he was a man with incredible ability and unwavering commitment.”

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