Transitioning from being a first responder to a new career

Beyond the Badge founders Simon Bradstock and Sean Haran present a training program in Coffs.

BEYOND the Badge will be in Coffs Harbour in April to deliver a free two-day training program for veterans and first responders who are considering a new career.

The event will be at C.ex Coffs on 29-30 April and is open to current or former members of the military, police, ambulance, fire and rescue, and other first responders.

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The program is facilitated by former police officers Simon Bradstock (NSW Police) and Sean Haran (WA Police,

NSW Ambulance Paramedic and Army Reservist) who share their “lived” experience of transitioning to corporate careers.

One of the biggest challenges first responders face is the unexpected end to their chosen career, Mr Haran told News Of The Area.

“This may come about through physical and mental injury or simply the need to move on due to the continued exposure to disturbing and traumatic events.”

Beyond the Badge treats the skills and qualities it takes to work as a first responder or in the military, as unique abilities that employers would struggle to find in the general community.
This is the second year C.ex Coffs has chosen to support the charity through its grants program.

The course maps participants’ career-based skills and competencies, such as leadership, decision making, risk management, mentoring and coaching, and project management, to increase employability.

Participants are also guided through writing their own resume.

The resulting increase in self-esteem, mental health and general wellbeing, has been shown to positively impact the participant’s immediate family and community.

“Over the past six years, the range of jobs and careers that have been obtained is so diverse,” Mr Haran said.

“Compliance and customer-facing roles are a natural progression for many.”

Beyond the Badge is also seeking the involvement of business leaders interested in hiring local veterans and first responders.

More information can be found on its website or by emailing


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