Toni Childs captivates full house at the Bowraville Theatre

Performing her fan favourites and captivating new music, Toni Childs delivered love at the Bowraville Theatre on Saturday night

THE iconic Bowraville Theatre became a ‘House of Hope’ on Saturday night as the most prominent internationally known artist ever to perform at the theatre, Toni Childs, delivered her ‘Retrospective’ concert to a full house.

Known for her soulful voice and captivating stage presence, Childs delivered a concert that was both intimate and electrifying, reminding us of her status as a powerhouse in the music industry and one of the most celebrated voices in the business.

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From the moment she took to the stage, Toni Childs gained the full attention of the fans.

The show was delivered in two parts.

The first element was the hits and fan favourites from the albums Union, House of Hope, the Women’s Boat and Keep the Faith.

The acoustics of the Bowraville Theatre, with its vintage charm and excellent acoustics, provided the perfect backdrop for her powerful performance.

It was her passionate performance of ‘I’ve Got To Go Now’ that drew the biggest gasp from the gathering and it was what many had come to hear.

The temptation to sing along to ‘Many Rivers’, ‘Don’t Walk Away’ and ‘Stop Your Fussin’’ became too much for some, only adding to the sense of love and fun of the evening, something clearly enjoyed by Childs herself.

In this country it was early in the ‘90s that Toni Childs vocally burst into our lives and her voice is just as strong as it ever was.

The second half of the evening was all about introducing the audience to her new music and detailing what the road ahead looks like for her, from a creative sense.

It was early into the second half of the performance that a technical issue with the audio visual equipment took some of the momentum out of the evening.

While most of the audience were too enchanted by the intimacy of the event and the personal connection Childs was having with them to get upset, around ten members of the crowd left the theatre unhappy with the break in proceedings.

Once the show was back on track, the effect of the technical issues seemed to be forgotten and Toni Childs spoke about some significant artistic projects she is undertaking.

Now an Australian citizen, she will soon be taking a unique artistic and powerful body of collaborative work around regional Australia that, on the face of it, has the potential to establish her relevance to new generations.

The music of Toni Childs has long been considered anthems for the oppressed and for many, particularly victims of domestic violence, her words and their delivery have helped them find the strength to take back control of their circumstances.

The next chapter of her story is likely to have the same galvanising effect, however this time her sights are set on the health of the planet.


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