Tomaree High student selected for University of Newcastle program

Maria Ilyash busking.

TOMAREE High School Year 11 student Maria Ilyash has been selected for the High Performing Students Program, a joint initiative of the University of Newcastle and NSW Department of Education.

Now running for over ten years, the program is delivered at Merewether High School but is open to students from all schools in the region.

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The program aims to keep the Hunter’s best and brightest studying and working locally, and to build opportunities for local growth.

“Maria was selected to take part in the High Performing Students Program for Globalisation and International Management,” Joe Williams of Tomaree High School told News Of The Area.

“The program gives exceptional high school students like Maria the opportunity to sample tertiary education by undertaking first year university courses while still at school and can lead to credit for university studies,” she said.

Maria attends a lecture every week at Merewether High School with fifteen other students from across the Hunter.

“It is fair to say Maria loves a challenge and keeps herself very busy,” Joe said.

“Maria works two casual jobs and hits the local streets busking on her violin when she gets time.”

Maria hopes to pursue a career in science or business.


Some of the students undertaking the University Of Newcastle course.

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