Time to nominate Crown Land reserve volunteers

Riverside clean up. (L-r) Red Rock Landcare’s Vern Treilibs, a volunteer, Ian Shaw and Kate Shaw.

VOLUNTEERS who make an outstanding contribution managing Crown Land reserves now have the chance to shine at the Community Achievement awards.

Minister for Lands and Water Kevin Anderson called for nominations of people who help manage reserves that support communities, with everything from green open space to sporting venues, public halls, showgrounds and caravan parks.

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“Crown Land Managers do a remarkable job ensuring local reserves and facilities are maintained in top condition for the whole community to enjoy for generations to come,” Mr Anderson said.

“Many are volunteers or organisations that devote their time with amazing efforts, local knowledge and countless hours to ensure Crown land reserves best serve their community, so let’s recognise them with award nominations.”

Coffs Harbour Regional Landcare has been improving the natural environment of many Crown reserves throughout the coastal areas of Coffs Harbour for many years.

“The major sites worked on by our volunteers includes Red Rock and Corindi Beach in the north, Woolgoolga main beach and some very significant sites along Coffs Creek,” Barry Powells, President, Coffs Harbour Regional Landcare told News Of The Area.

A life member of Coffs Landcare, Elisabeth Edwards has been working along Coffs creek for the past eighteen years, supervising a large team, many of whom work three mornings each week removing weeds and cleaning up rubbish along the creek edge.

“They have transformed the creek walk from a weed infested area to a very attractive and natural area it is today.

“Elisabeth recently said that she gets much personal satisfaction working along the creek with the volunteers learning new skills, meeting new people and having a regular life focus.”

Red Rock is another very active site, supervised by Landcare’s Rose and Vern Treilibs.

Their main focus is weed removal and re-vegetation of the dunal system which was very degraded after many years of neglect in the past.

“The wonderful natural environment that surrounds the coastal village of Red Rock is exceptionally diverse in its range of ecological communities,” Vern Treilibs from Red Rock Landcare told NOTA.

“Every Tuesday morning a small but dedicated team of Landcarers visit some ‘needy’ parts of the approximately 100ha of Crown Land reserves surrounding Red Rock to pull weeds, remove rubbish and, if needed, plant out disturbed areas with local species.

“The team is driven by a collegiate desire to keep the Red Rock reserves in as good health as possible – and by the knowledge that each work session ends with a morning tea featuring Rose’s baked goodies,” he said.

The NSW Government is sponsoring three categories in the 2022 Community Achievement Awards for Regional NSW and the ACT:
– Individual Excellence in Crown Land Management Award, for volunteers who are members of an organisation or committee that manages a Crown reserve;
– Crown Land Management Excellence Award, for organisations involved in the care, control or management of a NSW Crown reserve;
– Council Crown Land Management Excellence Award, open to the 128 councils who have a significant role in managing Crown reserves.

To submit a free award nomination by 23 August, visit Community Achievement Awards or phone 1300 735 445.

For assistance, the Awards Australia organisers can be contacted on nswact@awardsaustralia.com.


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