DURING the current lockdown, members of the Tilligerry RSL and Sports Club have rallied to have both the RSL building and the Golf Club in tip-top condition for the reopening.

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At the RSL site, a major internal makeover is currently underway with staff and volunteers pitching in to help.
Eligible staff have been retained under on the jobkeepers initiative and members have also donated their time and skills to help it all come together.
The restaurant is still serving meals on a ‘pick-up’ basis. Details of the menu and opening hours can be found on the Club’s web site.
According to Club Manager, Anthony Watson, the reopening will be staged as details of operational requirements come to hand and internal renovations are finished.
Meanwhile at the Golf Club (which is amalgamated with the RSL), volunteers are sprucing up the outside verandah and barbeque area with a colour coordinated paint job.
Club member Paul Davis said, ““Three of us painted and refurbished this area as well as the barbeque facility,”
Mr Davis said, “What’s more,we have developed an ‘Adopt a Hole’ scheme whereby members look after a numbered hole , weeding, cleaning up fallen branches and raking up litter as well as trimming the grass fringes of the bunkers.
We work in conjunction with the greenkeepers.”