Tilligerry RSL and Sports Club enhancing its Cenotaph and erecting a special wall of Remembrance

Gary Davis, Ray Harvey and John Olive at work on the Cenotaph.


HAVE you ever wondered why a War Memorial features a Cenotaph which has a column cut at an angle or appears to be broken?

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Such structures are purposely designed this way to symbolise lives cut short.

At the moment,Tilligerry RSL and Sports Club is in the middle of a major internal makeover. Meanwhile, on the outside, the RSL sub-branch has been enhancing its Cenotaph and erecting a special wall of remembrance of those who fought for and served our country in the armed forces.

A crushed gravel surround and garden have been added to the cenotaph and in an alcove at the Club’s entrance a new Memorial Wall features the names of over one hundred local men and women whose memories have been preserved on individual plaques.

These have been mounted under the particular branch in which members served with women’s names occupying an adjacent wing.

Spent cartridge cases have been fixed to the walls so that flowers can be placed in them by visiting family and friends.

All of the Club’s amenities (including dining facilities) have been transferred to Tanilba Golf Club until the internal renovations are complete.


The memorial wall.

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