Police Station Problems

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COMMUNITY members around the Tilligerry area are puzzled by the decision to site a new $1.5M station on a block of land on the main road near the Lemon Tree Passage Library.
Doreen Bradley OAM,a 50 year campaigner for a Station said, “We have had Politicians, the Police Minister and numerous meetings about this and RAF Park at Tanilba Bay is where it was agreed it was to be built.”
“Obviously there has been no community consultation and a total breakdown of process somewhere within the system,” Ms Bradley said.
Councillor Steve Tucker said, “Council gifted the land in RAF Park for both the Fire Station and the Ambulance Station and we assumed that the police would want their station next to the other two emergency services.”
“It’s a waste of around $500,000 of taxpayers’ money buying an old house, knocking it down and preparing a site on the side of a hill,” he said.
“The RAF Park land is free, flat and a ‘walk-up start’ as far as construction goes.It’s just sitting there and all they have to do is ask for it,” Cr Bradley said.