Tilligerry Art Gallery Re-Opens

Susan McDonnell and Jenny Turner at the Tilligerry Art Gallery. Photo by Marian Sampson.


THE Tilligerry Art Gallery is happy that the gallery has re-opened after the initial COVID-19 shutdown.

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The gallery is located in the old fire station and offers visitors an opportunity to see and purchase a range of local arts and crafts.

All the items within the centre are newly made artworks although some do feature some recycled products, nothing is second hand.

From pottery, paintings and plants to woodwork and wall hangings you can find a unique work of art by a local artist at the gallery.

The gallery is run by the artists who volunteer their time to keep the doors open.

Susan McDonnell told News Of The Area, “This gallery is here to serve the community and the community has responded.

“All works are from local artists in the area, supporting the buy local movement,” she said.

The gallery is open Tuesday to Friday from 10am to 2pm and 11am to 3pm on weekends.

If you are looking for something that you will not see anywhere else, or perhaps the gift for someone that has everything you are sure to find something special at the Tilligerry Art Gallery.

The ladies from the gallery encourage you to drop in for a browse and they believe that it’s pretty hard to leave empty handed with the affordable and gorgeous environmentally friendly shopping bags and gift cards making it easy to brighten any day.



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