Tidying up Coffs Harbour’s weedy through route

Median mowing has begun.

MOWING, weeding and generally tidying up the median strips on the Pacific Highway through Coffs Harbour has been actioned by Mayor Nikki Williams.

The work began last Saturday night, 7 December, and will progress at quiet traffic times through December and into January.

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The work requires collaboration with Transport for NSW (TfNSW) to operate traffic management protocols for the safety of the council staff and road users.

It’s a task the Mayor said she’s pushed for because of the unsightliness of the medians and planter boxes on the drive through Coffs.

“The area has been a bit of a disaster for a little while and it does look really untidy,” she said.

“Staff went in on Saturday night to do some remedial work with the planter boxes, getting that all cleaned up then the following Sunday, 15 December, they will have a full mow along the highway.

“That will go right through from Orlando Street to Englands Road.”

The City is negotiating two more dates with TfNSW.

“We have managed to book in Sunday, 12 January, to do another full mow and we’re hoping to secure a further day for mowing and tidying just before Christmas.”

With tourists driving through the city and many residents unhappy about the general untidiness of the medians, Mayor Williams is committed to the immediate tidy-up job while looking forward to working with the bypass committee to beautify the whole thoroughfare from north to south.

“The presentation of the main road through Coffs Harbour needs to be a priority and I’m really glad that we’ve been able to have a conversation with Transport and get something happening straight away.

“Then it will leave room for the bypass committee once the bypass is finished to make some big plans through there and really beautify the route,” she said.

A TfNSW spokesperson told NOTA, “Transport for NSW understands Coffs Harbour City Council’s desire to have attractive median strips through the city and is happy to work with Council on their maintenance.

“The festive season is the busiest period of the year and it’s great the city will be looking as good as it possibly can for residents and the thousands of visitors who will spend time there.

“Transport is responsible for the management of vegetation in the area being developed as part of the Coffs Harbour bypass and will carry out another clean up of these areas before Christmas.”


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