Three people charged with drink-driving in Bulahdelah



LOCAL Police recently took part in the Statewide Operation Drink Drive 1, targeting alcohol related driving offences.

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In Bulahdelah, three people were arrested and charged for various drink-driving incidents during the two-day blitz, which commenced on 18 February.

A 17-year-old female and an 18-year-old male were each charged with driving with a special range prescribed concentration of alcohol (PCA).

The male, a learner driver, was further charged with driving without an authorised accompanying person.

Police report  a 19-year-old man, who returned a positive reading for a low range PCA, was also charged in Bulahdelah.

Statewide, 230 drivers were charged with drink-driving offences during the operation.

Acting Commander of the Traffic and Highway Patrol Command, Assistant Commissioner Michael Corboy, said he is alarmed at the number of people caught.

“There are too many people putting their own and others’ lives at risk,” he said.

“Drink driving is not only killing people behind the wheel, it is killing passengers and other innocent road-users.”

Assistant Commissioner Corboy said with 43 lives lost on the roads this year, people need to start taking responsibility for their actions.

“If you drink and drive you will be caught,” he said.

A total of 127,254 breath tests were conducted by NSW Police during the operation.


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