Three new columnists for the News Of The Area, Councillor Len Roberts, Gordon Grainger and Graham Lang

Councillor Len Roberts
Councillor Len Roberts


The NOTA has secured three key columnists for regular updates and commentary, commencing this week.

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The idea has come from consultation and listening to community feedback on improvements to your weekly NOTA newspaper.

News Of The Area Publisher Mick Wright said that it’s important to always be willing and able to add items of key interest for the Community.

“These three local gentlemen are passionate about the area, and are in a position of authority to enlighten the community on a range of items, issues and accomplishments.”

“It was an easy decision to include them into the paper,” Mr Wright said.

No stranger to writing a NOTA column is Councillor Len Roberts, who has previously supplied a regular article in the paper – prior to the Council merger.

Cr Roberts will submit a commentary once a month, on the first week of each month, called ‘Council Round Up’.

Gordon Grainger has many ‘hats’ and the NOTA has secured him as a columnist, writing a town ‘Progress’ column.

Mr Grainger will additionally supply a monthly column, which you can see on Page 4 of this week’s edition, outlining ‘Southern Area News’.

The third columnist for the NOTA is Mr Graham Lang, who will be writing a monthly column, on the third week of each month, about the local Business Chamber – ‘Chamber Chat’.

Mick Wright said, “People will see further improvements to their community news published as we are looking to engage as many of the local Community Groups, in supplying a brief monthly commentary, which we’d like to include into one edition. Perhaps and additional 4 pages in the centre of the paper might be good.”

For feedback or involvement please phone or email the NOTA.


Gordon Grainger.
Gordon Grainger.


Graham Lang.
Graham Lang.

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