Thinking of running for MidCoast Council?


IF you’ve been thinking of running in the Council elections this September, an essential candidate information session will provide vital information to guide you through the process and give you a flying start to getting elected and representing the MidCoast community.

Two sessions will be held at Council’s Administration and Customer Service Centre at Yalawanyi Ganya, 2 Biripi Way Taree at 1pm on Monday 5 July and 5.30pm on Thursday 8 July.

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“If you are thinking of standing for election, the sessions may help you decide whether the role is for you,” said MidCoast Council General Manager, Adrian Panuccio.

“Attending a session will ensure you’re aware of the commitment you’ll be making to represent your community if you’re elected.”

Ordinarily, Councillors are elected in NSW for a four year fixed term, however last year the Office of Local Government postponed the 2020 elections until this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

That means that this year the community will elect Councillors for a three year term, to put the four year cycle back on track by 2024.

“Should you be successful in being elected as a Councillor, information you’ll receive at this session will ensure you’re ready to tackle the responsibility and understand your role, and can get a flying start as a new councillor.”

Important election information for candidates from the NSW Office of Local Government, and the NSW Electoral Commission timetable for nominations will be provided at the sessions.

An overview of the role of local government and the roles and responsibilities of the Mayor and Councillors will be covered, along with the qualities of successful councillors.

The sessions will also provide valuable background and understanding of MidCoast Council – an overview which will include the organisational structure, integrated planning and reporting framework, Council’s fees and expenses, budget, long term financial plan and major projects.

Due to social distancing rules, bookings are essential to attend either session.

Visit  to register for your session of choice.

Further information for prospective candidates can be found on the Office of Local Government website at or visit

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