The Write Direction: Truth and politics Opinion Property/Sports/Opinion - popup ad by News Of The Area - Modern Media - March 21, 2025 IN these days where AI (artificial intelligence) is getting to the stage where it is becoming difficult to determine truth from fiction, please remember that we are just days away from the next Federal Election being called. With this in mind I am sharing some of my favourite sayings which relate to political truth telling. – Most people really don’t want the truth. They just want the constant reassurance that what they believe is the truth. – Those who can make you believe in absurdities can make you commit atrocities (Voltaire). – The truth has no defence against a fool determined to believe a lie. – Actions prove who someone is, whereas words just prove who they pretend to be. – Truth does not mind being questioned, whilst a lie does not like being challenged. – No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot. – If you don’t want the truth, then don’t ask me. If you want something sugarcoated, then go and buy a donut. – If you don’t have the time to do it right the first time, what makes you think that you have the time to do it twice by being re-elected? – Idolising a politician is like believing that the night club stripper really likes you. With “AI” now controlling the game, do you remember before the internet was available, when people thought the major cause of stupidity was due to a lack of information? Yeah? Well, it wasn’t that, it’s called political campaigning. Please remember that you only get one shot at these elections every three years, so we all need to consider our own views very carefully before voting. By John BLACKBOURN