The Write Direction: Green technology

PUBLISHED on 21 March this year was an article of mine titled ‘Hello Hydrogen’, which detailed plans for longer term electricity production at the Hunter Hydrogen Hub located in Newcastle.

Presently the energy debate is centred upon short term and emotional thinking.

This doesn’t solve the question of how we manage the probable shortage of supply that experts expect to be with us within the next ten years.

Electricity produced by gas fired generators seems to be the most practical method of gaining base load supply as a fill in operation until a permanent method of clean production can be agreed upon and instituted.

Unfortunately, the thinking often seems to stop at this point as few understand the major alternative – hydrogen.

Newcastle has been selected as the number one location for hydrogen production.

The Federal Labor Government has ventured $24 billion in order to turn Australia into an energy superpower by using green hydrogen as the major generator for processing critical minerals, led by a green hydrogen hub at Kooragang Island.

The listed public company leading the charge is Fortesque Limited, which is the WA-based vehicle led by Andrew ‘Twiggy’ Forrest.

Perfecting this technology is a costly and time consuming exercise but when perfected, it could be the economic saviour for filling in the gaps left when coal production, rail transport and shipping ventures are affected by coal’s demise.

The news in mid-July that Fortesque is now restructuring some of its ventures, resulting in 700 or so employees being made redundant, is testament to how difficult new technology is to achieve and perfect.

However, it is so necessary to be continued, as the nation requires a clean and efficient method of achieving our power supply needs.

NB: The writer advises that he has a financial interest in Fortesque Limited as it comprises a meaningful investment via his SMSF.


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