The tale of the Tea Gardens Civic Hall

The Civic Hall.

THE recent consecration of the Myall Masonic Lodge in Tea Gardens started some old memories returning.

The Civic Hall used to be referred to as the Masonic Hall as the Lodge was on the first floor.

The Temple was dedicated in 1924.

The main auditorium, the ground floor, was very much needed by the town in the early days.

The school P & C held an Annual Ball there to raise funds.

My parents met at the Ball in 1926 and married in 1930.

Our school dances and concerts were held in the hall, with the ladies providing a nice supper.

Each Saturday we would look forward to going to the movies – there were no computers or TV back in the 40s and 50s!

We children would mostly walk to the hall at night, with an occasional adult in attendance.

Our very small town had only corner lights, which were helpful as the cattle were free to roam.

Prior to weddings a Kitchen Tea was often held in the hall, and also wedding receptions.

It was the venue for meetings held by many of the town’s organisations.

However as time passed our dear old hall was no longer required, and was replaced by the modern Masonic Centre in 2001.

By Anne JOHNSON, Tea Gardens Family Research and Local History Inc.

The stairway and entrance to the Masonic Lodge.

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