The search is on for an Independent candidate for Oxley

Passionate Oxley residents are seeking a trustworthy, Independent candidate for the electorate.

A GROUP of passionate residents from localities across the Oxley electorate, including Nambucca Heads, Bellingen, Kempsey and South West Rocks are rallying to search for the “ideal candidate” to contest the 2023 state election.

“We are inviting you, the voters of Oxley, to join us online as we launch the search for a trustworthy, independent, community candidate to represent us in the NSW Parliament,” Alex Wyatt, spokesperson for the group, told News Of The Area.

“State governments have a key role in delivering many of the services which impact on the daily lives of people in Oxley such as health, education, housing, agriculture, roads, waterways and forestry.

“We are looking for an outstanding candidate who lives in and understands the electorate of Oxley.

“A person committed to act with integrity, care about our unique environment and its diverse people and with demonstrated engagement and leadership in this community.”

A website with detailed information went live on Friday, 11 November and a launch of the Oxley search will take place on Sunday, November 20.

The group is mindful that with Christmas and summer holidays almost upon us, the State Government’s election date of March 25 is fast approaching.

Recent polling by RedBridge, published last week in The Australian, indicated there is very strong support for independent, community candidates, including the seat of Oxley.

“Many people are looking for politicians who can genuinely represent their community, because they don’t have the constraints that come with membership of a major party,” Alex said.

The group suggests if you know someone who would be a wonderful candidate, give them a nudge.

“If you are that candidate, time to stand up.

“We believe that our NSW parliament will operate more effectively when there is more local participation and genuine community representation.

“Oxley, it’s our turn to be counted,” said Alex.

People keen to know more can check out the website at and register for the launch via


One thought on “The search is on for an Independent candidate for Oxley

  1. It is polite – politic – to offer Michael Kemp – the retiring incumbent’s nominated replacement candidate – the opportunity to leave the lame coalition which is on the threshold of losing – and to stand as an independent.

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